Peace of the Earth Farm (POTE)

Peace of the Earth Farm cultivates vegetables, herbs, and flowers using organic methods (not yet certified). We value fresh food, high crop diversity, community interaction, health of the "agro-ecosystem", and sustainable, organic methods of farming. We believe that our local community will benefit greatly from the cycle of local dollars to local food.
You can contribute to our farm by pledging your support for our kickstarter campaign


Our CSA program is currently on hold while we rehabilitate our soil. If you would like to support Peace of the Earth Farm, please pledge your support for our kickstarter campaign.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Garlic Harvest!

Last fall we planted about 25 pounds of hard and soft neck garlic and this last week we were able to harvest hundreds of garlic bulbs. Here's a hearty thank you to all our volunteers, Breezy, Daniel and Natasha (as well as Jessica and Erin), who helped make this fabulous harvest possible. Please enjoy the photos. Peace!!

Some of the garlic hanging to dry (thanks Natasha for this photo)

The garlic goodness from below

The Crew doing some of the harvest

Farm Hand Breezy with garlic goodness

Farm Hand Daniel tying up Garlic to be dried.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2010 Summer Vegetable CSA Begins!

Hello All,

Last week we begun our 12 week Summer Vegetable CSA program. Thanks to the help of our Volunteers, Breezy, Daniel, Natasha, Jessica, and Erin, our program began deliciously and beautifully. Just see for your self:

A portion of the delectable harvest:

One of our customer's CSA boxes:

Three of our Volunteers with Farmy-Flare: From left to right, Jessica, Natasha and Daniel.