In the yonder days of February and January, Peace of the Earth Farm lie snuggled deep in the frigid earth, waiting for it's caretakers to return. Although we sowed a few seeds here and there in anticipation of warmer days, the bulk of our seeding has just begun. March saw the return of our seeding greenhouse, a wwoofer from yester-year, the smell of fresh handmade potting soil, and eager new volunteers all arriving from far off places to help us make the season the best season for POTE farm yet. This year our volunteer crew consists of Daniel, Katie, Kat, Chris and Jeff. Daniel is joining us for a second season, this year acting as our assitant manager, or he isists I call him: "the assistant
to the manager". I can assure you that Daniel is so talented, he's both. Katie is Daniel's girl friend and she will be our administrative assistant, handling phone calls, research, and the newsletters (and maybe swinging a hammer from time to time when we need her to). Kat, Chris and Jeff are all new to POTE farm and came to us from the organization "World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms" or WWOOF for short. We are looking forward to getting to know these generous souls as we work and learn together all season long. Here's to a fruitful season!
The Crew from Left to right: Hillary, Jeff, Brian, Daniel, Kat, Chris. Katie will be joining us soon!